home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- -- background: 3616 from stack: in.0
- -- bmap block id: 2103
- -- flags: 4000
- -- background id: 0
- -- name:
- ----- HyperTalk script -----
- on openStack
- hide message box
- show menuBar
- pass openStack
- end openStack
- -- part 6 (field)
- -- low flags: 00
- -- high flags: 0004
- -- rect: left=59 top=59 right=88 bottom=439
- -- title width / last selected line: 0
- -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0
- -- text alignment: 0
- -- font id: 21
- -- text size: 18
- -- style flags: 0
- -- line height: 24
- -- part name: Word
- -- part 8 (button)
- -- low flags: 00
- -- high flags: 0000
- -- rect: left=256 top=296 right=319 bottom=281
- -- title width / last selected line: 0
- -- icon id / first selected line: 1013 / 1013
- -- text alignment: 1
- -- font id: 0
- -- text size: 12
- -- style flags: 0
- -- line height: 16
- -- part name: Next
- ----- HyperTalk script -----
- on mouseUp
- get first line of field "FindThisSelection"
- go next
- put it into field "FindThisSelection"
- end mouseUp
- -- part 9 (button)
- -- low flags: 00
- -- high flags: 0000
- -- rect: left=222 top=296 right=319 bottom=248
- -- title width / last selected line: 0
- -- icon id / first selected line: 1014 / 1014
- -- text alignment: 1
- -- font id: 0
- -- text size: 12
- -- style flags: 0
- -- line height: 16
- -- part name: Prev
- ----- HyperTalk script -----
- on mouseUp
- get first line of field "FindThisSelection"
- go prev
- put it into field "FindThisSelection"
- end mouseUp
- -- part 17 (field)
- -- low flags: 00
- -- high flags: 0000
- -- rect: left=63 top=105 right=269 bottom=436
- -- title width / last selected line: 0
- -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0
- -- text alignment: 0
- -- font id: 16
- -- text size: 14
- -- style flags: 0
- -- line height: 18
- -- part name: Definition
- -- part 21 (field)
- -- low flags: 01
- -- high flags: 0002
- -- rect: left=113 top=276 right=295 bottom=438
- -- title width / last selected line: 0
- -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0
- -- text alignment: 0
- -- font id: 3
- -- text size: 12
- -- style flags: 0
- -- line height: 16
- -- part name: FindThisSelection
- ----- HyperTalk script -----
- on mouseUp
- global findWord
- get first line of field "FindThisSelection"
- put it into findWord
- set lockScreen to true
- push card
- go next
- find it in bkgnd field "word"
- if the result is not empty then
- find it in bkgnd field "definition"
- if the result is not empty then
- answer "Sorry, I couldn't find your selection." with "OK"
- go prev
- set lockScreen to false
- exit mouseUp
- end if
- end if
- put findWord into field "FindThisSelection"
- --put "click at loc of field FindThisSelection"
- set lockScreen to false
- end mouseUp
- -- part 23 (button)
- -- low flags: 00
- -- high flags: A002
- -- rect: left=60 top=276 right=295 bottom=112
- -- title width / last selected line: 0
- -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0
- -- text alignment: 1
- -- font id: 0
- -- text size: 12
- -- style flags: 0
- -- line height: 16
- -- part name: Find…
- ----- HyperTalk script -----
- on mouseUp
- global timerTest
- ask "What would you like to search for?"
- if it is "" then
- exit mouseUp
- end if
- find it in bkgnd field "word"
- if the result is not empty then
- find it in bkgnd field "definition"
- if the result is not empty then
- answer "Sorry, I couldn't find your selection." with "OK"
- exit mouseUp
- end if
- end if
- put it into field "FindThisSelection"
- if timerTest is "true" then resetTimer
- end mouseUp
- -- part 25 (button)
- -- low flags: 00
- -- high flags: 2000
- -- rect: left=444 top=239 right=275 bottom=483
- -- title width / last selected line: 0
- -- icon id / first selected line: 14109 / 14109
- -- text alignment: 1
- -- font id: 0
- -- text size: 12
- -- style flags: 0
- -- line height: 16
- -- part name: return to last card
- ----- HyperTalk script -----
- on mouseUp
- visual effect iris close
- pop card
- end mouseUp
- -- part 26 (button)
- -- low flags: 00
- -- high flags: 2000
- -- rect: left=444 top=200 right=236 bottom=483
- -- title width / last selected line: 0
- -- icon id / first selected line: 21060 / 21060
- -- text alignment: 1
- -- font id: 0
- -- text size: 12
- -- style flags: 0
- -- line height: 16
- -- part name: return to last card
- ----- HyperTalk script -----
- on mouseUp
- visual effect venetian blinds
- push card
- go card "Explain"
- end mouseUp
- -- part 28 (button)
- -- low flags: 00
- -- high flags: 2000
- -- rect: left=444 top=159 right=195 bottom=483
- -- title width / last selected line: 0
- -- icon id / first selected line: 2045 / 2045
- -- text alignment: 1
- -- font id: 0
- -- text size: 12
- -- style flags: 0
- -- line height: 16
- -- part name: Home
- ----- HyperTalk script -----
- on mouseUp
- visual effect dissolve
- domenu home
- end mouseUp